Over the past eight months Malaria, HIV, and TB Programs have been focusing efforts towards developing funding requests to the Global Fund (GF) to support the three disease programs. The malaria program request is anchored on sustaining the gains made to date and further address the disease burden across the country.

It is important to note that apart from receiving funds from GF, Kenya has made contributions to the fund. In 2016, Kenya contributed five million US dollars towards the global fund replenishment process that eventually raised US$13 billion. This is a brief look at the steps that were involved.

December 2016: Global Fund announced an allocation of US$ 355 million for the country and of this amount 63.2 million was for malaria. The Roll Back Malaria, Harmonization Working Group/Country Regional Support Partners Committee organized an orientation meeting for countries in the African region on what would be required in the funding request.

January 2017: In-country orientation process and the identification of country priorities by the Technical Working Group (TWG) and final ratification by Malaria Inter Coordinating agency (MICC). This included nets for 2020 mass campaign, diagnosis and treatment; advocacy and social behavior change communication; monitoring and evaluation and program management. In this request, the program included IRS as part of the needs to be addressed if additional funding will be available.

February 2017: Development of all the key sections of the funding request, especially the technical components covering the interventions. The indicative priorities were shared with stakeholders.

March 2017: First draft was developed and subjected to the Mock Technical Review Panel (TRP) to assess the level of completion and obtain feedback from other countries, regional and international experts. The provided feedback guided the process to completion of the funding request.

April 2017: Incorporation of the feedback from the reviewers and finalization of the request.

May 2017: The final push, assembly of all the required documents and reference materials. The funding request was submitted on 23rd May 2017 as per global fund requirements.

July 2017: GF TRP responds positively to the Malaria request with feedback on minor clarifications and updates.

August 2017: The malaria stakeholders will address the TRP comments and provide a response in preparation of the Grant-making process in September. We look forward to the successful completion of the process that will culminate in grant approval and signing.

January 2018: Implementation of the new grant will begin.

It is important to note that during this year’s funding request there were representatives from County Governments.