Malaria Prevention
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- Malaria Prevention
The malaria prevention is a key strategy in malaria control and elimination in Kenya. Currently the key intervention in malaria prevention include:
• Use of LLIN in high malaria risk areas.
• Indoor residual Spraying.
• Use Larval Source Management in targeted areas.
• Use of IPTp in Lake and Costal endemic among pregnant women.
Our Objective
To protect 100 percent of people living in malaria risk areas through access to appropriate malaria preventive interventions by 2023.
- Distribute LLINs through appropriate channels to achieve and sustain universal coverage in malaria risk areas.
- Use Indoor Residual Spraying in the targeted areas.
- Use Larval Source Management in targeted areas.
- Provide Intermittent Preventive treatment in pregnancy -SP at the ANC in targeted areas.
- Develop, review, and update documents for malaria vector control.
Main Activities Carried Out
- Distribution LLINs in the 27 targeted counties through mass net campaign through the routine channel (the Antenatal care and Child welfare clinics in 36 targeted counties.
- Conducting IRS in targeted counties of Migori and Homabay.
- Conducting Supplemental Environmental assessment.
- Collaboration between Kenyan and Cuban government for technical expertise.
- Engagement of 8 Cuban Experts.
- Procurement and delivery of spray and monitoring equipment.
- Procurement and distribution of bio-larvicides.
- Distributed LLINs in the 27 targeted counties through mass net campaign in high risk malaria Counties/ sub counties in 2020/21.
- Distributed LLINs in 36 targeted counties through the Antenatal care and Child welfare clinics in 2020/21.
- Conducted IRS to in targeted counties of Migori and Homabay.
- Conducted Supplemental Environmental assessment.
- Collaborated between Kenyan and Cuban government for technical expertise.
- Engagement of 8 Cuban Experts.
- Procured bio-larvicides through GOK.
- Procured and delivered of spray and monitoring equipment.
Key Challenges
Suboptimal utilization of LLINS and IPTP.