Malaria in Pregnancy
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- Malaria in Pregnancy
Our Objective
Malaria infection during pregnancy poses significant risks to both the mother and her unborn child, particularly for primi- and secundi-gravidae and those who are HIV-infected, due to altered or suppressed immune responses. The level of immunity is influenced by pre-pregnancy immunity status, which in turn is determined by malaria transmission levels in the area.
To address this public health challenge, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has established policies and strategies focused on malaria prevention during pregnancy, including:
- Intermittent preventive treatment with Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP)
- Distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs)
- Effective case management
- Education and communication initiatives.
Encouraging pregnant women to sleep under LLINs and initiate IPTp-SP regimen early in the second trimester is crucial for preventing the adverse effects of malaria. Initiating malaria prevention efforts between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy is particularly important, as this is when the placenta is forming and parasite densities are highest, according to recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners. Early intervention during this critical period can help prevent irreversible negative consequences associated with malaria infection during pregnancy.

Organization of Service Delivery

KMS Strategies
• Engage CHVs to identify IPTp missed opportunities for referral to ANC in targeted areas.
Main Activities Carried Out
• Orientation of HCWs and CHVs on MIP.
Achievement (Key Successes)
• Capacity building of CHWs (Mentors) &CHVs at sub-county level in Lake endemic zone.