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Strategic intervention: Malaria Case Management
The main objective of the case management strategic intervention is the provision of good quality, safe and effective treatment for malaria patients. It’s objective as outlined in the Kenya Malaria Strategy 2014 – 2018 is to have 100% of all suspected malaria cases presenting to a health provider managed according to the national malaria treatment guidelines by 2018.
This objective will be achieved through the following strategies:
- Capacity building of health workers in malaria diagnosis and treatment at health facilities.
- Access to affordable malaria medicines and diagnostics through the private sector.
- Strengthening community case management of malaria using the community strategy through Community Health Workers (CHW). Ensuring commodity security of anti-malarials and diagnostics in the public sector.
Training of health workers on malaria case management
- At the National level, treatment guidelines, training modules and reference materials on malaria diagnosis and treatment have been updated and are issued to health workers during training.
- Training of health workers has been carried out targeting both government and private sectors.
- NMCP and CHMT support supervision visits is regularly done to monitor the effective trainings of malaria case management. This is done by standard checklist which was developed by the National trainers.
- The caretakers’ of febrile children common action is to seek care from private and OTCs. Private pharmacy and OTC staffs have been trained on malaria case management, recognition of severe malaria signs, referral advices and appropriate drug storage in order to improve prescriber practices among the outlets.
Drug regulation, supply and effectiveness
- Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA) purchases drugs used in the public sector. It has its own quality control mechanisms. The ongoing liaison between the NMCP and KEMSA will ensure a continuous supply of high quality anti-malarial drugs to public health facilities.
- The commodities once purchased are supplied to health facilities based on a distribution list generated by the NMCP. The system operates on a pull basis. The health facilities have been issued with tools for consumption reporting on a monthly basis. They record each dose dispensed and at the end of the month give a summary of stock status, consumption, stock out days and early expiries.
- County pharmacists have been supported to do intra county re-distribution by moving the drugs from overstocked facilities to stock-outs facilities.
- The main achievement includes training of the health workers in public and private health care workers on malaria case management.
- The NMCP undertakes annual surveys on the quality of anti-malarials in circulation as part of Post Market Surveillance in conjunction with the PPB, WHO, HAI Africa and NQCL and partners.
Access to effective care
- In order to improve effective case management, it is important that care-seeking behaviours are changed. The care givers need to promptly seek care for febrile illness from a health facility or in a registered pharmacy and recognise the danger signs of severe febrile illness.
- Due to this, the NMCP has made various efforts such as training health workers in both public and private health facilities in order to increase access to effective malaria case management.
- In the endemic regions such as Nyanza and Western, CHW have been trained on the malaria case management and is currently being practiced in those regions.
Access to effective care
- Many health workers in the public and private sectors do the diagnosis of malaria on a clinical basis. In order to increase diagnostic capacity the NMCP has introduced RDTs at health facilities without microscopy in order to ascertain diagnosis. Microscopy has also been strengthened through supply of microscopes along with the training of health workers on microscopy.
- Quality control mechanism for laboratory diagnosis is currently being implemented through trainings and regular support supervision visits at facilities with laboratory services in order to improve the performance of laboratory services to support the correct management of malaria cases and to detect malaria treatment failures.